Planning for Change Kopp

Planning for Change Session 14 - Catapano.pdf


Stages of Change  (Transtheoretical Model)  Presenter drew parallels between this and our answers to the weight loss questions at p. 3


  1. Precontemplation - Not ready, not aware, don't have the need.
  2. Contemplation -  On the fence.  Aware of the consequences.  Intend to so something, but not yet.
  3. Preparation - Thinking about what you have to do to make it happen.  Planning
  4. Action - You are doing the work.  How do deal with the change and the impediments along the way?
  5. Maintaince -  Continuing the commitment.  You've worked on it for about six months
  6. (Relapse) - the fall from grace.  you eventually get back on the plan.


Knowing the stages of change helps you to know the level of intervention it will take to deal with the change.


Intermediate/Dependent Measures are what you consider during the throughout the stages.  Two examples follow:


  1. Decisional Balance:  What are the pros and cons of what am I doing?
  2. Self-efficacy:  How much confidence do we have to help us avoid temptation?


Slide 6 illustrates how this model might relate to effective grading practices.  This allows you think about where you are.  You can also do a survey and/or review district policy, classroom "policies" and meeting agendas.  Looking at district grading policy documents may be a good place to start because you could analyze it with the 15 fixes without talking about classroom practices that teachers have more ownership over. 


What happens with the players (supt., principals, and teachers) are all at different stages?  What are the implications?  What do you need to do?  Have conversations with representative groups about where they are and what the issues are?


Processes that allow you to move forward. 


PD Approach

Discuss purpose for reviewing data

Review data to:  Build awareness of issue, Understand consequences of ineffective grading,

Include case studies of students - the stories they have about grading.  This could be an interesting entry point. 


Include multiple stakeholder groups

Review pros and cons of effective grading: connect to impact on students: what does it look like for the students

Set expectations for role of teacher and learner-centered environment

Providing the resources/ PLC about effective assessment and grading practices

PLCs/faculty meetings/newsletters

BOE grading committee

Pilot practices


Develop a plan that includes a review of district policies and/or report card formats with stakeholders (Problem solve the impediments to implementation)

Ensure support from administrators and "natural opinion leaders"

Training on effective assessment and grading practices

Set a date to start

Create a systems visual related to curriculum, assessment, reporting, grading to help people see the relationships between all of these things.  This will give people options for different points of entry into the work.


Provide reinforcement to others through feedback

Giving the staff time to have the conversations

Discuss impacts/ results and expected long-term benefits, include formative assessments along the way

Builds social supports - blogs, wikis, tweets, discussions

Identify and address obstacles


Determine the givens related to the work - start with a couple of them



Plan for on-going support

Evaluate progress

Reinforce commitment

Anticipate relapse