Indian Lake Grading Policy Kopp

EQ:  How certain am I that my grading practices accurately reflect student achievement in my subject?


District took O'Connor's Grading Fixes and had his staff identify the pros and cons of the issue defined by the statement.


New System:

     Grades based 100% on Summative Assessments  (PD on quality assessments and feedback from principal).  100% based on summative assessment begs the      issue of differentiation.  New question:  How to you help the students, parents and teachers to understand grading in a differentiated system?  Check out      these resources on differentiation related to assessment.

          Blaz, D. (2008). Differentiated Assessment for Middle and High School Classrooms. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, Inc.

          Gregory, G., & Kuzmich, L. (2004). Data Driven Differentiation in the Standards-Based Classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA:CorwinPress.


     Five summative assessments/quarter

     No Zeros

     ERB's(Effort, Responsibility, Behaviors) (Stealing from Newcomb Central School), thus change in report cards

     After school study hall (T, W, Th)  - Students can only make up assignments under supervisionSession 3 - Fisk.pdf Session 3 - Fisk.pdf

     Eligibility Policy for Extra Curricular  (Can practice, but can't play in games)

     Establishing a parent portal

     Re-establishing mid-terms and final exams with each not worth more than 10%

     Homework with feedback - formative in nature

     More intentional about attendance




     This is most difficult with music and PE.  Does student get 0's for not getting dressed for PE?  If you can keep does it measure what they know it will guide      you.

     Has removed argument about student's attendence and that student doesn't understand the homework.

     Continued conversations about What to do about homework?